Tony’s Acoustic Challenge – The New Way to Learn Guitar › Family Forums › Small Wins › Acoustic Panels › Reply To: Acoustic Panels
I thought I would repost my info from the old forum. This includes sound clips to help show just how effective the sound treatment is — hint — it is NOT subtle.
I can get a little obsessive about my guitars and all that goes with it. Anyone here identify with this? For me right now it is sound quality of my music room. I realized I can’t get a good recording without making some improvements. In case anyone else is contemplating such an endeavor, I wanted to provide my results and say to you that it is WORTH IT !!!!
My music room is a small room, 10 foot ceilings and hardwood floors. Echo was a major problem, so much so that I think it was even changing pitch of the guitar when I recorded. That is the microphone was picking up the guitar and altered tones off the walls. Panels are expensive and honestly kind of ugly, so I decided to follow some online YouTube videos and made my own panels. I did not “strategically” place them in the room but because one purchase of the insulation makes so many panels, I had enough to just over-fill the room. Plus there were only so many places that had wall space.
This wall has 3 large panels and 2 small panels. The 3 large panels are covered in a rope weave room décor that I already owned.
This wall has 10 smaller panels added. We found small fabric pieces on sale at the fabric store.
I also added a floor rug and a upholstered chair into the room.
This is an audio clip of the untreated room and treated room.