Trusted by 40,000+ Guitar Students

"A Bite-Sized Daily Guitar Challenge That Helps You Learn Songs Faster"

Where should we send your FREE 5-day guitar challenge?

1000+ people took the challenge in the last 7 days

Why 40,000+ Guitar Students LOVE This Guitar Challenge:

Play the 5 guitar skills this week. Ignore everything else. 😎

Get fluent in the five guitar skills so you can learn songs faster and play them more confidently.

Skip the overwhelm. Say no to "thousands of lessons to choose from. "

No decisions. Just play the daily challenge and watch your consistency skyrocket. 🚀

Short and focused lessons. You don’t need to practice for hours a day. 🥳

Fit guitar playing into your busy life so you feel successful even when you only have 10 minutes to play.