About Me

First Name





West Virginia


United States

My Guitar Goal

What I'm Focused On Now

My 90 day goal is Outcome based.  I intend to learn Black Mountain Side, a fingerpicking instrumental piece.  This is a 2 minute instrumental written by Jimmy Page, which was based on a traditional folk song called “Blackwater Side.”  A British folk singer named Anne Briggs also did a version. She was a big influence on Led Zeppelin and on many British singers, but she stopped recording when she was 27 and never became famous. There is a movement later in the Page version that is definitely beyond my current capabilities which I don’t expect to accomplish this year. This 90 day goal will serve as my foundation for an ongoing musical quest of intricate instrumentals.

My Guitar Routine

This is How I TAC

When scientists created Biosphere 2 in 1991 in Arizona, they noticed something strange.

Trees would collapse before maturing.

At first, it baffled them. After all, the situation was perfect. The trees had all the nutrients they needed. There were no diseases or harsh elements. So why would they buckle under their own weight?

As it turns out, trees need the stress of wind. Responding to wind encourages trees to grow “stress wood”. And this is the wood that keeps them stable and upright, able to stretch out and seek more sun.

Likewise, we wither and weaken without meaningful struggle.

We thrive on challenges and creative problems. These keep our minds alive and spirits lifted.

This doesn’t mean it’s all fun and games. At any given moment, it may be taxing, physically or emotionally.

But overcoming obstacles and finding our way forward is what humankind does best. And most of us these days only get this chance when we choose it.

Viktor Frankl wisely wrote,

“What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him.”

We can live in what Frankl calls a “tensionless state”. But for a fulfilling and personally meaningful life, we need a worthy goal.

Music is such a goal. Guitar is a whetstone against which we can grind and hone ourselves ever sharper.

Through small, daily actions repeated over time, we reap the benefits of a life well-lived. We grow our own “stress wood”, become more resilient, and are able to grow stronger and reach further.

A fruitful practice to you,

It can be tough to manage challenges in our own guitar practice without a guide.

It’s great to push our boundaries so we grow. But we don’t always know how to find the best challenges for our current abilities.

If we choose work that is too hard, we may get discouraged and form bad habits. If we choose work that is too easy, we may get bored and not make progress.

That’s one of the reasons a teacher or program can be so helpful.

Allen M shared this and I feel we can all grow strong with this type of outlook and approach.