About Me

First Name







United States

My Guitar Goal

What I'm Focused On Now

I like to keep up with the challenges. I’m a beginner (always) and definitely a guitar geek, so I do my best, not always easy to “get” it. I also like to go back and play previous lessons.I have a notebook with every lesson spelled out in my funny own method, so it’s easy to review and see my progress. Eventually I want to play slack key jazz! We’ll see.

My Guitar Routine

This is How I TAC

I play everyday. Otherwise, I start to shuck and jive and talk myself out of it. So? I play everyday. It’s on my list, I check it off and I’m happy. I play in the living room, I have everything set up, guitar on a stand, chair with a good cushion right there waiting for me. I play when my day says it’s time, not always the same time, but my guitar calls my name and I sit down!