My Guitar Goal

What I'm Focused On Now

I want to play along just for fun without being restricted to the 6 open chords I know.
I want to be able to move on the fretboard and “feel” what to play next.

Ultimately, I want to be able to fingerstyle and solo without a plan at hand just doing and feeling, just letting it happen.

I don’t know whether thats realistic, though. I’ve been dabbeling for more then 10 years now. And after I learned said open chords, I never progressed.

I also came here looking to learn how to power chord, bt I understand that an acoustic course is not the right place for this.

My Guitar Routine

This is How I TAC

In a perfect week, how many times will I play?

  • At least 5 times.

When will I play?

  • In the evening, after work.
    Maybe during the occasional lunch break while in Home Office.

Where will I play?

  • At home, in my room.
    Hidden away so nobody hears me.

About Me

First Name






