My Guitar Goal

What I'm Focused On Now

One of my musical goals is to integrate self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies to control the factors influencing my learning of the fretboard (Bandura, 1986; DiBenedetto & Zimmerman, 2013). A second attainable goal is to become more successful at using appropriate self-regulated study time (SRS) to manage my motivational behavior, volition, and learning (Tekin, 2022).

My Guitar Routine

This is How I TAC

Recently, I am home recovering from COVID19, the flu, asthma, and a sinus infection, but I am still doing research writing and preparing for my graduate exam.

Right now, the only instrument I can pick up and hold for a little while is my mandolin. I play 10 mins per day to try and achieve “finding flow” or “being in the zone” to enjoy learning and being creative (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997).


About Me

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United States