About Me

First Name




Why I'm Here

I’m retired and have been playing guitar for about 10 years. My first teacher suggested I buy and Taylor guitar and it made all the difference. I joined TAC to simplify the learning process. My understanding of the guitar has been overwhelmed by the amount of info on the internet. As a result, I’ve never mastered the fretboard, theory or all the other aspects of playing the guitar. I’ve been enjoying Tony’s specific drills and exercises and put my faith in his teaching process. I have two Taylor guitars a six string and a twelve string. I play mostly songs from the singer/songwriter era of the 70’s and 80’s. I’ve done some songwriting workshops and enjoy that aspect of the guitar as well.






United States

My Guitar Goal

What I'm Focused On Now

During the 1st quarter of 2021 I competed all of the TAC daily challenges and have a goal to do that for the 2nd quarter as well. I also completed the Fretboard Wizard program during Q1 and while I learned a lot I realize I didn’t internalize all of that material so I’ll need to revisit the FW program in the 2nd quarter as well. I will also start posting some videos to TAC.

With the new website in place I will also spend more time learning my way around the site and it’s features.

I will also continue with my private guitar lessons that are currently focused on Classical guitar pieces. I will focus on improving the two pieces I’m currently working on as well as advance on my ability to read standard musical notation. I’m working with the Christopher Parkening Guitar Method Vol. 1 and will progress through that book.

My Guitar Routine

This is How I TAC

I play every day. For the last year I’ve been helping out a friend who is a professional musician and has been adversely impacted by the COVID virus. I have been taking SKYPE lessons from him every other week to generate a little income for him as well as help me on my guitar journey. Every day I spend time (15-30 minutes) working on skills, techniques and music theory from him. In December of 2020 I came across TAC and was drawn to Tony’s daily challenge approach to learning guitar. Monday through Friday I complete the TAC daily activity in the morning usually 10-30 minutes. Later in the afternoon I work on the assignment from my friend. Most days, later in the evening I’ll play ‘for fun’ stuff to stay connected with the songs I’ve learned over the years. Most of the time I practice and play in my study where the computer is located for internet access. On occasion I’ll play in our upstairs TV room where my 12 string hangs on the wall.