About Me

First Name


Last Name




Why I'm Here

I am a brand new – and I mean brand new – guitar player.  I have been inspired by watching my husband learn and grow so much and I really think that it will be OSM to play with him someday.  I chose a Cordoba C7 as my first guitar – thinking the nylon strings will be easier for me to get adjusted to.

** Updated as of 4/9/2021 and 4 1/2 years later.

Still here and still learning.  But my guitar collection has grown to include steel string guitars and even a few ukes.  I can play with my hubby and it is OSM.   Tony continues to provide me with lessons that challenge me and teach me.  Things that were impossible before are not only possible but happening easier and easier (looking at you barre chords).


Continuing my journey by going back to what works.  These lessons.



My Guitar Goal

What I'm Focused On Now

I am working on a fingerpicking song that has some tempo changes so it will help to hone my timing skills.  I would love to be able to play this from memory and perform this at a VOM.

My Guitar Routine

This is How I TAC

My weekly goal is complete the 5 daily lessons.  I try to get in 10 minutes a day but if I miss a day,  I don’t beat myself up.  I keep a journal that indicates if I played (and if I didn’t  why I didn’t) and what specifically I worked on.  I also try to capture any pertinent information like what I struggled with or what went well.