Collings D1A, Caitlin Canty, Chicago Music Exchange · Acoustic Tuesday #003

Welcome back for another rousing round of Acoustic Tuesday to tantalize and delight your inner #guitargeek.

Here is a summary of what has been whirling around my brain this week.

Here’s what’s featured in this video:

Beat the Buzzy Barre Chords For Good

Are you looking for a great lesson on barre chords that will help to eliminate the buzzy B? Well, be sure to watch the video to see how you can beat buzzy barre chords!

I’m trying something new here. Let me know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to share this article if it was helpful.

See this Guitar Lesson

A Drool Inducing Guitar

I never knew that I could find the perfect guitar for my needs so easily, but then again when it comes to guitars there are a million different features and options. Of course what catches your eye is always going to be subjective, especially if you’re not looking in an instrument store because why go into one of those stores just to get hassled by some snooty salesman?

In my latest fantasy digital guitar shopping trip I found myself drawn towards this torrefied custom made axe with these amazing decorative carvings on either side – they were like something out of ancient history!

See this Guitar Review

What’s On the Turntable This Week?

This week I am spotlighting an artist that opened up for the Milk Carton Kids when Whitney and I were in Boise, ID.

This album is one that must be listened to from start to finish because it will provide a whole new perspective on what you thought was happening before.

See this Acoustic Artist Review

The Next Guitar Wonder Gadget?

I found this gadget on Kickstarter and must first say that it has my curiosity piqued. A stabilization device for your…

See this Guitar Accessory Review

A Must Stop Guitar Shop

I love traveling and being that my son Ayden lives in Chicago, I find myself there quite often. Whenever I’m on the North Side of the city particularly on Lincoln Ave. I visit…

See this Guitar Store Review

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