Ryan Guitars & Colter Wall = STUNNING • Acoustic Tuesday 020
May this Acoustic Tuesday find you feeling fantastic, joyous, and downright ready to get your full guitar geek on.
This week brings another 5 guitar geek items to your attention. So without any further hesitation, we shall journey into the hallowed halls of the guitar geek lair.
The Official Guitar Geek Uniform
So often during Acoustic Tuesday the feeling of guitar geeks uniting runs rampant, but after the show what do you do…
See this Acoustic Guitar Shirt
The Scariest Guitar Player You Will Ever Meet
Do you ever feel like you have run into a guitar snob? It can be pretty scary. In fact, I would tend to believe it is a guitar geek’s biggest fear…
See this Acoustic Guitar Lesson
What’s On the Turntable This Week?
This week I am listening to an artist who I had never heard of, and I have to thank Acoustic Tuesday viewer Andrew D. for introducing me to him. His voice is mesmerizing… scratch that… hypnotizing. His playing is sparse, but it’s main mission is to serve the song, and it does so perfectly. The balancing act between his voice, his playing, and his songwriting is expertly executed…
See this Acoustic Artist Review
10 Days To Guitar Bliss
An important announcement about how to keep the guitar rut at bay. Be sure to watch the full episode to catch the announcement…
Scrumptious Guitars to Celebrate
I heard one of these guitars in person once and it was cemented in my brain as the most complete, rich, articulate, and sonically pleasing guitar I had ever heard…
See this Acoustic Guitar Review