Merlefest, Guitar Coffee, & CAGED • Acoustic Tuesday 035
As Spring arrives gazes are drawn towards the tree branches for fresh buds, the ground for tender green sprouts, and of course towards the guitar geek radar to see if any new inspiring things have come up.
And boy howdy have they…
Here are 5 guitar geek things pinging the guitar geek radar this week.
Proper Fuel For the Guitar Geek
How does a guitar geek stay properly fueled, hydrated, and alert? You may think bourbon is the answer, but I reckon it is quite the contrary. See bourbon, although it tastes delicious, doesn’t do much for hydration or the alertness aspect. However, Fretboard…
See this Coffee Review
A Book Full Of Life Changing Moments
Books about artists and their life fascinate me, my bookshelves at home are covered with biographies, autobiographies, and the like. So this book was a bit of a surprise to me…
See this Book Review
What’s on the Turntable This Week?
This week’s artist I would say is from the “old-time” category, but I definitely do not want to pigeon hole them as they are capable of way more than old time music. It’s not often that you hear a new artist that is able to take you back to a time and place long forgotten and only best conjured up by an artist from that very era…
See this week’s Acoustic Artist Review
This Weekend’s Epicenter for Acoustic Music
This weekend, on the campus of Wilkes Community College in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, one of the most amazing and inspiring bluegrass festivals will take place…
See this Acoustic Guitar Festival Review
What the Heck is the CAGED System
At one point in your guitar journey there comes a time where you hear about the CAGED system. You hear how wondrous it can be at unlocking the fretboard, you hear about how much it can help with your overall understanding of the fretboard, and how it’s the secret to making sense of the fretboard. But seldom is it discussed as to why you need to learn the CAGED system. So here are 5…
See this Acoustic Guitar Lesson