How To Play ANY Guitar Lick • Acoustic Tuesday 066

Welcome to this week’s episode of Acoustic Tuesday where I share my guitar geek list of gear, artists, and resources to keep you inspired to live your absolute BEST acoustic life!

As always, you can catch the show at 10am every Tuesday.

Featured in this episode…

Three Steps to Hack EVERY Guitar Lick

A necessity on every guitar geeks journey is learning guitar licks. But a big problem that a ton of players face is that a guitar lick stays just that… a lick… that is never actually used when jamming to a tune or playing with your friends. So in this video, I teach you the MOST popular bluegrass lick AND how to incorporate ANY lick into your guitar playing!

See these Playing Tips

What’s On the Turntable This Week?

This week’s featured acoustic artist is Eric Bibb who comes recommended to us by Acoustic Tuesday listener Cedric P. of London, England. Cedric describes Eric as “Quite simply one of the most prolific acoustic singer/songwriter bluesmen in the world today. Last year his album ‘Migration Blues’ was nominated for a Grammy alongside The Rolling Stones’ “Lonesome & Blue” album in the blues category.”

See this Acoustic Artist Review

Wazinator Stompbox Review

I want to introduce you to a stompbox called the Wazinator. These stompboxes are made in Australia and they are AWESOME! I have tried out quite a few stompboxes and I haven’t (up until now) found one that floats my boat. They all seem to make a clicking sound when I’m using them. That is not the case with the Wazinator.

See this Product Review

Acoustic Tuesday Holiday Buyer’s Guide

Let me describe a scenario to you….you are a guitar geek. You embrace your geekiness, you love it. But it never fails, people do not know what to get you. They are intimidated by your guitar geekiness. They get overwhelmed by all the ‘gear’ and so they get you a sweater.  It’s a nice thought, but we don’t need more sweaters. I have made a GUITAR GEEK HOLIDAY GIFT LIST! You’re going to want to share this with those people who may be wondering what to get you.

Get Your Guide Here

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