7 CHOICE Guitars a Professional Reviewer Buys • Acoustic Tuesday 149
After reviewing over 600 guitars professionally, I’ve made some acquisitions. The seven guitars that I bought embody the best of the acoustic dreadnought guitar.
Now, that’s not to say there are better guitars out there! Rather, these seven guitars represent a combination of qualities that I seek out in a guitar, and I’ll let you decide if these guitars are worth adding to your guitarsenal…
And, since we’re talking about guitarsenals…have you picked up your guitarsenal T-Shirt yet? If you haven’t seen this awesome shirt that let’s you really step into becoming a guitar geek, click here!
Besides covering the seven dreadnought acoustic guitars I bought after years of reviewing guitars, this episode of Acoustic Tuesday will feature an all-Koa wood Bourgeois Guitar, a few helpful tips to help you build your guitarsenal, and Dogwood Tales.
As always, you can catch Acoustic Tuesday at 10 am every Tuesday.
Show Notes
Heartbreaker of the Month
See all the awesome guitars at Heartbreaker Guitars in Las Vegas — https://heartbreakerguitars.com/
Visit Bourgeois to see the beautiful guitars made in their shop — https://bourgeoisguitars.net/
Jeremy the Guitar Hunter
Visit Jeremy’s website to find more tips — https://www.jeremytheguitarhunter.com/
Check out Jeremy’s YouTube channel — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx2eeVX04jN3Ki1u74ehLIw
Dogwood Tales
https://www.dogwoodtalesmusic.com/ – Visit Dogwood Tales Online
https://youtu.be/77hMyoy-wDs – There Goes The Light
https://youtu.be/7bL91hRnjfY – Another Harvest Moon
https://youtu.be/hznw9BfBj-o – You Are a Blackbird