10 Must-Have Guitar Maintenance Tools • Acoustic Tuesday 166

No guitar geek should own a guitar without having these 10 must-have guitar tools. Don’t believe me? See for yourself!

In this video, I’m going to break down the 10 must-have guitar tools every guitar geek should own. Some of them you may already have, while others you’ve just been thinking about getting. Either way, I’ll show you how to use these tools and prevent common mistakes when using these guitar maintenance tools.

In addition to talking about guitar maintenance, I’ll also introduce you to Bernie F., a TAC Family member whose progress has accelerated since he joined TAC.

As always, I’ll close out the show with some acoustic guitar weekly news. This is your chance to get caught up on the biggest headlines, album releases, and sales that are shaking up the industry!

As always, you can catch Acoustic Tuesday at 10 am every Tuesday.

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