Flying Angel

Try this guitar challenge

STEP 1: Watch the video to learn the bite-sized piece of music
STEP 2: Click the "PLAY" tab below the video to play along with Tony until you can do it on your own.

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  1. Third day of the first week. Playing scale improvisations to the accompaniment is a lot more enjoyable today. To alleviate the pain in my fingers while awaiting my calluses’ return, I decided to switch to a classical guitar. However, I couldn’t help but laugh when I reached for the neck to play the final frets! A classical guitar’s neck is typically shorter.

  2. On lesson # 3, it would be helpful to have diagrams showing finder placement on the chords up and down the neck. It is hard to determine where your fingers are. Are the diagrams on the website as I have not been able to find them.

  3. Tony- Greg in Arizona. My problem is figuring out what you’re talking about quickly when you’re saying things like ring finger on low E open blah blah blah. I wind up replaying the video over and over then being totally frustrated finally just putting the guitar away.

  4. Okay so I didn’t quit. I did however only do about the first 1/3 of tonight’s lesson. The G chord scale going up. 15 notes. I even got it in the up/down alternating picking. (And I finally figured out you a picking one string higher on the guitar than it looks, because you’re not using a pick. Your Massive thumbnail is essentially a pick and it’s on the top of your thumb instead of the bottom). I guess I am slow. Tonight was nice because all the notes in the scale were the same length. No eighth notes, then quarter notes so I was picking on every count and on every AND. It took me an hour or so to sort of get it right about one of three tries without pausing or screwing up. But the rest of tonight’s challenge was just too long. I’ll see what I can get out of tomorrow.
    Maybe next week I will do this weeks challenge again but take two weeks to do it.
    This pace is either not for beginners or I am very slow at picking things up.
    Allen in Spokane

  5. Sorry man, this was too hard. Too much too soon. I spent my 90 minutes trying to do the second half of yesterday. Yesterday was too much. The darn slide up, slide down, hammer on was too much in addition to just figuring out what finger to put on what fret and which not was a down and which was up.
    I would suggest picking something to learn that focuses on one skill per day. Yesterday had 1. Single notes and not chords. 2. Starting on the third beat. 3. Up down picking. 4. Slide up/fast slide down. 5. Hammer on.
    At least it was all regular notes with no sharps or flats.
    I do appreciate you trying to get me in the habit of picking down on the beat and up on the AND, but that just gave me another thing to worry about.
    Right now I’d like to focus on what finger to put on what fret on what string.
    I will probably have to find something slower paced.
    Thanks for the trial.
    I guess I failed the challenge.

  6. Week 1 day 3, A lot more fun today improvising on the scale, to the backing. I switched to a classical guitar so my fingers wouldn’t hurt as much while waiting for my callouses to return, But I had to laugh when I went to play the last few frets by reaching my whole hand around the neck!. Classical guitar has a shorter neck!

  7. I’m il but this is a lot to unpack! Tony called me out…. I am a strummer of chords with a minor fear of solos. This pushes me… jits just a hard way to go.

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