Free Ramblin’ Man
Try this guitar challenge
STEP 1: Watch the video to learn the bite-sized piece of music
STEP 2: Click the "PLAY" tab below the video to play along with Tony until you can do it on your own.
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Late start for me too. Very busy Friday. I have small wins:
1. Staying with a single lesson plan
2. Learned a lot about a song from different perspectives – chord transitions, licks, chords and licks together
3. Paying 30-60 mintes each day.
I like this way of learning. Looking forward to next time.
Really enjoyed this week
Late start to Friday’s lesson but glad I finished it…… small win. As I put all this together, I am impressed by how much was in one “simple” song. I will still need to spend a few more days on this, tying everything together before I feel good about singing and playing it in front of others. Thanks for a good week….big win.
My fingers (must be my brain not able to efficiently tell my fingers) have a hard time transitioning from the D chord to the new (to me) G/C chord you taught us earlier this week. But I am making progress and having fun.
Several small victories this week
1. Stuck with it all week
2. Learned the cheat version of the F chord. (By just playing three stings of it since I can’t bar the bottom two strings yet)
3. Started to get the up down picking/strumming rythym.
I hope to stick with it for awhile.
small win for me learning the chord transition technique, will be a nice addition to my repertoire. Enjoyed how Tony breaks down the song daily adding a little more. Wa a little quick to follow at times
I ordered a Beard Trailhead!
Looking at the responses this week there are many that are overwhelmed with the instructions!! Need slower and simpler to start. Thanks for sharing this week Tony. I realize I need simpler and slower instructions!
The lessons are great with variations of chords, up/down strokes and timing. The timing is definitely a challenge. Thanks for breaking everything down in small parts. This will take some time for me to play smoothly which in turn produces a lot of practice time. Thanks for the song and lessons.
While I am picking up a little from the exposure to these lessons, I am a bit confused as to why we didn’t actually learn to strum and play the song? I must be missing something, because I don’t really know how to fit all the pieces together. Anyway, I like the idea of learning songs in a bit by bit format, but there is too much “left out” that I guess should be understood? As a beginner, I don’t understand much! Thank you for the lessons, but I think TAC moves much too fast for me!
Over the past week, I have learned that even after all the years that I have been playing guitar, there is still so much more for me to learn. While I usually play guitar every day, Tony has shown how focusing on a particular lesson can help me learn more than jumping around from song to song, or parts of songs, and succeed at the learning of a complete song. I have truly enjoyed learning from Tony this week and I look forward to learning more from him in the coming weeks. Here’s to becoming the better guitarist I always wanted to be. Thank you.
Small wins would be the C to G transition. I too am a slow learner. I echo what Limestone commented – though I do pick up the guitar daily – if only for 10 minutes. Also I may be one of the few that have never heard of this song. May have been more effective for me if I would have heard the song in the past and were somewhat familiar with it. Then I would have a target to shoot for.
As far as the teaching method. Seems to be somewhat better than most.
A small win in that the TAC got me upstairs and playing for 15, 30, even 69 minutes per day. However I’m a slow learner I guess. Daily TAC’s are too fast a pace for me. I need to dwell on a given song or skill or two for week, sometimes two to really get it under my fingers before moving on.