Not So Old Rodeo

Try this guitar challenge

STEP 1: Watch the video to learn the bite-sized piece of music
STEP 2: Click the "PLAY" tab below the video to play along with Tony until you can do it on your own.

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  1. In my 3 years of playing I have found that getting the strum pattern down is more difficult than the chord pattern. Up stroke and down stroke symbols on the tab sheet would greatly simplify this effort

  2. Okay. I could finally sort of do the easy part of the chorus. The square part—down, down, down, down/up(chord change) down, down, down, down/up(chord change) … repeat. The rest was too much for me.
    I never made it to the F chord in my prior two attempts to learn guitar. No wonder it is everybody’s “favorite”. I can’t do the bar thing yet. I found a decent way to finger it (it was one of the ways you showed in the video) but I couldn’t learn to quickly change to it from G. That will take a lot of practice.
    I did find a good “cheat” for F. Index finger on 1st fret of B string, middle on 2nd fret of G string, ring finger on 3rd fret of D string, and leave my pinky on the 3rd fret of the bottom E string, right where it is on the G chord. It has the notes F, A, C, G. The G doesn’t really belong but it sounds fine (not dissonant) because G is in the key of F. It made things easier for me because it could act as an anchor while my other fingers moved from the G chord to my cheat F chord (would that FACG chord be an official chord with a name like Fadd9 or something?)
    The chord changes plus the non-square down up down down up down down pause up (or whatever) was too much all at once.
    I will have to be happy with my progress on the simple part of the chorus with the chord changes and repeating rythym.

  3. I think I’ve enjoyed this lesson the best so far, may be because even though I have not mastered the previous lessons, they build upon each other to reach this point.. Really appreciate the advice on learning to sing this by starting with simple chord strums.

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