TAC Family Forums

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  • paul0r

    June 9, 2021 at 4:51 pm

    I don’t have that info for you, but I wanted to post something helpful. Having more than seven years in the TAC family, I can tell you that some of us always ask about gear, and that pick discussion is a bit of an inside joke. Tony has spent hours talking about picks of all types, and I think it’s fair to say that he has used just about every type made and he continues to explore the subject. I think that means that on any given day he could be using something new, even though he has some favorites.

    I have seen multiple Acoustic Tuesday shows with reviews on various types of fingerpicks, so I’d suggest you use the Search function (that Magnifying Glass thingy) and type in thumb pick. You will get lots of reviews.

    On a more practical note, I would suggest you visit your local guitar shop and spend some time trying on (and trying out) fingerpicks available. Splurge on a couple of available options (arguably the cheapest you will ever get out of a guitar shop) and try them out at home. I am sure Tony would tell you that picks that fit comfortably is the best place to start. While most picks are pretty inexpensive, there are exceptions, especially if you find your way to a website of a company that is making and marketing their own version of the “best ever”. I hope this helps. Cheers!