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  • N-lightMike

    April 25, 2022 at 2:03 pm

    Hello @Carnelia ;

    So, 10 minutes. That’s it. You succeeded no matter how imperfectly you managed to do the lesson. Now, if you have the time and want to spend more than 10 minutes, that’s fine. But remember that you also want to spend time doing a technique warm up, and stretches, and something fun like playing a song or noodling, and working on something you want to do everyday like a song or a technique you are learning. Now that’s all in addition to the lesson. None of these pieces should be so long that you get worn out or they take away time from your responsibilities in life.

    Playing every day can be difficult. But the reason is because we have a life and other things we want or need to do. So the tough thing is to play in small enough chunks that guitar playing fits into our life. Also, to improve, we must work on multiple things… everyday. Again, the secret is small chunks.

    Small chunks allows us to be consistent, and that’s what leads to progress. What interferes with progress is spending too much time on something because we won’t be able to sustain that. Another thing that interferes with progress is trying to master a lesson. Guitar takes time to learn. When we try to master a lesson, we are trying to get better instantly. It will only take you 5 or 10 minutes to play a lesson as well as you are going to that day given your current level of ability. Then, you can spend a little more time having fun with it. Having fun, that is, with what you were able to do. 8 or 10 months later, when the lesson comes around again, you will notice that you can play it better even if you never tried it again.

    To really understand the purpose of the daily lessons and how we can use them to the best advantage, go through the 5 Day Guitar Routine Challenge in the Skill Courses section. Here is a link:


    So, the simple answer to your question is: “Yes”. Each week, start new. Even day to day, you will only carry over so much. If you spend time going back over day 1, and day 2, and day 3, and day 4, by the 5th day you simply won’t have enough time.

    I hope this helps.

    MG 😀

    5 Day Guitar Routine Challenge