Benchmark: Looking back at my guitar journey thus far
This is a kind of a throwback to last year. (Marking personal milestones and such.) LOT’S OF SMALL WINS HERE for a brand new guitar player…
1. Describe where you’re at with guitar so we have an idea of where you’re starting from.
I’m relatively new and just completed the ’30 Days to Play Challenge’ in Stage 1. (Also, having the start of finger callouses still feels very weird. Not sure if I like it but it‘s necessary.)–UPDATE: 30DTP and beyond! I finally made it past the callus phobia… sheesh!–
2. How often will you show up to practice every week?
Committed myself to a 15 minute minimum daily routine but it usually turned out to be longer… ha ha.😊 I’ll probably cut back that routine to 3-4 days weekly.
–UPDATE: Had cut back for a short while. Then I realized the callouses disappear if you stop playing for too long. Re-tooled my routine back to the original 5 dys schedule I had set for myself, and then moved to daily practice… March site upgrade notwithstanding.. that was an unplanned break in the action. —
3. Where will you do the TAC practice routine?
My practice setting is my living room couch, where there is usually the occasional ☕ tasty beverage 🧉 on the side.🍷 (I really wish it was a designated guitar room.)
–UPDATE: Moved to a cozy bench in my guitar area. Fun time.–
4. What does success look like to you? When you’ve stuck to a regular practice schedule for a year, what will you be able to do with guitar?
Success means learning the dreaded barre chord concept in at least 5 shapes, getting comfortable with solos, and building a short list of songs I can play with very little effort.–UPDATE: Gained a much better handle on barre chords vs last year’s weakling beginner fingers. Continuing to build fretting hand stamina. Developed a decent shortlist of songs, that I can almost play from memory. It’s a huge win in my book.–
5. Over the next year you will hit several roadblocks due to health or a busy schedule. When this happens, what will you do in order to get back on track and enjoy guitar?
My mantra remains… 🎸Keep Calm And Play On!🎸–TODAY: On to overcoming this strange new site environment and
another year of future-forward thoughts. Despite minor reservations and
bit of lost momentum… The mantra remains. So, with that being said,
ONWARD!–~Cheers peeps!
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