Dom_T How I TAC……..My Music Journey – Day-to-day
1.) How many days per week do you play?
In a perfect week, I have played everyday, at least once a day, and have spent some time playing with others, and playing at an Open Mic.
2.) What time of day do you play?
I don’t have a scheduled time. I am retired which means I am very busy. I play at all times of the day. Late morning, early afternoon, evening, whenever I can.
3.) Where do you play?
I play at home, in my room, on my deck, walking down the street.
I am fortunate enough to have had daughters…………..Daughters that live in there own houses now!!! Hahaha.
So their bedrooms are now music rooms. I have a “recording studio” in mine, not professional, but very adequate. Humidified, guitars on walls. I also play in the living room. There is an Emerald Carbon fiber guitar hangin on the wall there.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
<font face=”inherit”>Before I got serious, started taking lessons, practiced often, I simply was not learning how to play guitar “for real”. After some in person lessons, I started TAC, and found my path to a serious guitar journey. Little by little day by day, I found that I was actually learning:</font>
<font face=”inherit”>-How to play and understand what I was doing. </font>
<font face=”inherit”>-Started finding the relationships between notes, scales, chords etc. </font>
<font face=”inherit”>-Why notes, or a chord, or a progression of chords sounded </font>either<font face=”inherit”> good or not-so-good.</font>
Well, at this point, I am not-so-bad playing guitar, but Tony has inspired me to expand my knowledge, so I play Mandolin, Ukelele, Banjo, Bass guitar. Master of none, but it sure is fun.
So my goal would be to get better at all of them.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
Well, not that it was planned, but our feline member of the family apparently loves being in my music room when I am there. She lays on one of the stools, it’s a fuzzy-top stool, so I am constantly cleaning off her beautiful fur. She has even, unknown to me at the time, been in a few videos I’ve made, behind me to the right.
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