1.) How many days per week do you play?
I practice my guitar every day of the week. Monday through Friday is routine, I don’t even need to ‘make’ time. It now just fits naturally right into my day.
2.) What time of day do you play?
Saturday and Sunday I do need to have my days planned out to make sure that I do get my time in. It pretty happens before the time I have on my regular weekdays, but it is not quite as routine on the weekends as it is during the week days. Monday through Friday my wife and I come in from the Park with the dogs, we watch Jeopardy, after Jeopardy I call my Dad and talk with him for a bit then (about 7:45pm) I go into my
3.) Where do you play?
office / library / music room and get ready to play. I set up my laptop and log in, then dig out my book and see if I already have the tabs for the daily challenge. If I do, I start the challenge, if not I print it off and start the challenge.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways). Before my routine was set my practice was not routine at all, my practice time was also a bit more chaotic, I did not have a set practice set up. Now I have a ‘practice journal’ which consists of starting off with the challenge, then I either work on something in the skill section, on chord transitions or on working on my finger picking
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine? I don’t really have any non-guitar items that I must have, I do drink a lot of water, and generally go through a pint or two during the 20 minutes to 45 minutes i spend practicing.
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