1.) How many days per week do you play?
The routine I have been following and have committed to is as follows: Seven days per week – pick up the guitar and do something for at least 10 minutes.
Five days per week – focus on TAC daily challenge.
Five days per week – work on a current song.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday – include music theory with my playing.
Saturday and Sunday – jam and improvise
2.) What time of day do you play?
I play at least twice per day. My hands and fingers often get fatigued and need a break. Playing twice per day provides recovery time. I have scheduled 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
3.) Where do you play?
I have a music room where I am able to leave my music out and a guitar readily accessible. This reduces obstacles to consistent playing. It also enables me to spend some playing time during daytime breaks for added time on the guitar.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you?
My guitar playing was random. I would work on a few scales, play a few chords, and start learning a new song, which I never finished learning. I rarely used a metronome so my timing and rhythm were not consistent. I would play fast and sloppy, not realizing I was practicing to play sloppy. I would practice for two hours one day and then not play for a week.
– Consistent daily practice has increased my ability to play accurately and more musically. Now, I look forward to my daily practice and the sound of my playing is better.I benefit more from shorter daily practice than from longer session that occur at random times.
– Now that I am following a structured methodological approach, I am experiencing faster progress and learning songs. It also enhances my practice time since I am not trying to decide what to play or focus on. I know when I sit down what I am going to work on. Or at least Tony does…
– I now have a broader guitar experience. Through TAC, I have obtained new skills I would never have acquired on my own. Some of the exercises don’t initially make sense to me. However, I can later see the benefit and I am able to incorporate them into my playing. The Fretboard Wizard course enhanced my learning even more.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
My guitar playing log book. I record what time I play, how long I play, which guitar I play, what exercises I worked on, and insights I gained. I use this information to help inform upcoming practice sessions. The log book also helps me to be honest with myself. How much I think I practiced and how much I actually practiced may be inconsistent.
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