How i tac
1. My goal is to play everyday monday to fri. And i try to at least play a little if i can on weekends. I travel with gyitar when at my girlfreinds so i can always practice .
2. I play first thing in morning generally start around 8 am and practice till 10 or 1030 sometimes later if im playing well
3. I have a room dedicated to guitar i recently remodeled it its relaxing and inviting to play .
4. Before joining tac my routine was pretty much the same but i wasnt making progress i have books and videos and you tube but no direction were to start. I know i need to learn everything but what order ??? I treid to learn basics then saw tony on you tube. He talks in a way thats easy to understand which is a huge plus. I suffered a tramatic brain injury at work which makes it hard. Since joining tac and implementing a routine :
A. I dont have to think about what to practice just do the daily lesson
B. Trying the lessons i know are over my exp. Level is giving me more confidence to try more
C. My finger picking has come along way before was too intimidating now i love it
D. Just doing daily lessons since i joined in aug 2020 my improvisation has gotten better i struggle to learn songs due to the tbi but just playing whatever comes to mind is really inspiring me to learn more and continue improving. Always looking forward to next litebulb moment have had several
Barre chords clicked one day. Alternate picking. Finger picking and more
5. The one non guitar part of my routine i guess would be my coffee as well cant wake up without it
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