Hi All,
I’m pretty new to TAC, so just wanted to start by saying a massive thank you to everyone who’s made me feel so welcome so quickly, thanks 🙏🏼
1.) How many days per week do you play?
I stared with that intent to nail 7 days a week, but quickly realised that 5 or 6 is totally okay as long as I’m enjoying myself and improving, which I am! In a little over a month, whoop whoop!
2.) What time of day do you play?
I play in the evenings around 2100 onwards….. This is well after my little girls asleep and the chores are done. This is great for me because it’s such an amazing way to unwind and go to bed content that I’ve done the thing I love, play guitar!
3.) Where do you play?
I play in our living room (fortunately there’s a TV and sofa in the kitchen where my wife is happy to chill out), as although I have a music room, it’s right next door to the 2 year olds room 🙄
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
My life before my guitar routine sucked! I would kick myself every day for not playing. I can see my guitar hanging on the wall from my bed and it got to the point where I felt sad just looking at it, which is the exact opposite of how it should and now does feel again!
My consistent routine has;
1. Helped me improve my playing and Tony’s lessons have been brilliant at challenging me in the ways I want to improve
2. As I mentioned earlier, my routine helps me unwind. I’m in healthcare and this year (as for all of us) has been so tough – signing off the day having achieved something for me on my guitar just settles my soul
3. I’m having fun and can’t wait to pick my guitar up again!!! Thank you Tony and my new TAC family!
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
Other than my iPad (to login to TAC on), as pictured the been bag I rest the iPad on 😁
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