I am new to TAC but have already established a routine that seems to be working for me. Becoming a competent guitarist is a retirement goal of mine.
1. How many days per week? Intended initially for 5 days a week (Monday – Friday) but after completing the 30 Days to Play and at least attempting every Daily Challenges so far, I use the Fretboard Wizard on Saturdays. Sunday is “freestyle” where I work on playing and singing songs I have downloaded from a popular guitar tab/chord site and incorporate the TAC techniques I am learning from Tony.
2. What time of the day? Mornings around 7 AM, while still in my pajamas, is my established time. However, finding it difficult to stop to eat breakfast or get a shower before 9 AM! No worries, I’m retired.
3. Where? I tried several locations at first but have settled into my daughter’s old bedroom with a widescreen desk top computer (better to see TAC videos). The room evolved years ago into a guitar-themed rock & roll shrine when my daughter Candace was in high school and a guitarist, lead vocalist, song writer in an all girl garage band. Still have the walls adored with merchandise/posters saved from concerts (Hendrix, Joplin) I attended in the ’60’s as well as ones in the 00’s (Clapton, Aerosmith) my daughter attended together. It feels right as a practice place.
4. What was my guitar playing like before? Nonexistent before I got my Taylor GS Mini a few months ago with assistance from my guitar geek son in law. I took lessons back in the 60’s briefly but stopped after sustaining a left wrist injury while competing as a competitive water skier. With the new guitar I remembered common chords learned when taught Peter, Paul and Mary folk songs and was surprised by how quickly my fretting finger tip calluses reappeared after 50 years! However, I was picking up the guitar inconsistently without purpose or goals when I did play.
The three ways has TAC helped me establish a consistent guitar routine:
A. The Guitar Progress Tracker form has become my way of journaling day to day with TAC. It is clear by reading veteran TAC member comments that the Daily Challenges recycle so next time the same topic or technique reappears I have prior comments of mine to compare then and now.
B. I maintain the GPT form in a ring binder along with additional sections devoted to information and my notes from the 30 Day Challenge and the Fretboard Wizard.
C. The periodic emails from TAC have helped me stay on routine too. Looked at a few prior TAC videos on You tube and Facebook as well. I focus on TAC instruction by Tony.
5. My one non-guitar item in my routine? My blue light filter 2.5+ reading glasses!
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