1.) How many days per week do you play?
The last 90 days has has been great. I’ve averaged 7 days per week for at least an hour. Some times only 6 days, some times only a half hour, but the vast majority hitting every day for an hour or more. Once I get to that hour, it seems to go longer without even realizing it.
2.) What time of day do you play?
I play in the morning. I first have coffee and a very light breakfast, then right to the day’s TAC challenge. On weekends I either revisit challenges that I struggled with or concentrate on finger style. Actual start time can be anywhere from 8:00 to 9:30.
3.) Where do you play?
I play in my guitar den. It’s a spare bedroom converted for a much higher purpose! I love it in there!
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar ro helped you? (if possible name 3 ways
Before I started with TAC I was lucky to get one or two practices in a week. Some weeks were missed altogether. Improvement was nonexistent. Frustration was often high.
– Honestly, it took over a month of forcing myself to do it before I started noticing it get easier. But it got much easier as the habit formed and then I started to notice small things about my playing get better. Those are often very small improvements, but improvements all the same.
– It is definitely a habit now. I feel like I’ve really let something important slip when I can’t get to it because of life’s events … and truly, something important has slipped on those occasions!
– I am slowly but surely learning finger style, which I had never done nor thought I could ever do before TAC. All of my other playing is also improving. Chords sound better and my rhythm is starting to improve. I’m having fun now, and starting to laugh at myself when I mess up instead of getting frustrated.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
I have to agree with the cup of coffee being a necessity. Party because it goes with mornings and breakfast. But it is now part of the habit of my guitar routine and it just doesn’t seem right without that cup.
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