1.) How many days per week do you play?
I commit myself to playing at least 5 days per week, typically Monday thru Friday. I usually do 7 days though unless my weekend is super busy.
2.) What time of day do you play?
My set guitar time when I do the daily challenges is in the mornings from about 8-8:30 AM after I’ve finished getting ready for work and dropped my kid off at school. Some days when I have time in the evenings I’ll play then too.
3.) Where do you play?
I play in my spare bedroom/game room/guitar den. It’s a nice quite room with a fish tank, books and a TV. I leave the TV off of course so not to get distracted.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
Before TAC and before I had a guitar routine I would just randomly pick up the guitar when I had time and play the same songs I’ve been playing for years. It’s a pretty long list of songs but it was still the same thing over and over. Every once in a while I’d learn a new one. I would also play with my little blue grass group but we would also just play the same things we always play.
This consistent routine has helped me by 1) making it a habit to play my guitar every morning. I’ve been doing it for almost a year now and has become so routine that i feel lost if I don’t play in the mornings. 2) I’m focusing on learning new techniques that I never tried before. One of the biggest ones is finger picking. It used to feel so awkward to me but now it’s become one of my favorite styles to play. 3) I’ve also noticed that my picking accuracy has improved quite a bit since I’ve been playing consistently every day for almost a year now.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
I always have to have something to drink while I’m practicing. In the mornings it’ll be a cup of coffee. In the evenings some water, iced tea, or a beer.
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