1.) How many days per week do you play?
I shoot for 7 days a week. Monday through Friday for working on the daily challenge and other things. Saturday and Sunday I go over the daily challenges that I want to work on more and then play for fun.
2.) What time of day do you play?
On weekdays I listen to and review the tab for each daily challenge first thing in the morning. Then after I get home from work I will get in the practice time for 10-30 minutes. Working on the challenge then working on whatever song or technique I am trying to learn.
On the weekends, I will pick up and play whenever I feel like it. I don’t set a time or schedule, I just try to make sure there is some playing done each day.
3.) Where do you play?
I play in the living room, where my computer desk is. All the little things I need are scattered about the desk, capos, picks, tuners. And my guitar stands and guitars are close by.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
I had been a very on and off player for 40+ years, more off than on, to be honest. I carried an off-brand guitar that I bought in the early ’80s around with me since its purchase. I would drag it out every once in a while to play but got frustrated because I only knew what I learned and played back in the mid-’70s.
In 2018, I dragged that guitar out one more time and decided to learn to play. At 60, I knew it might be a challenge, but I also believed then, and I still do now, that it will be good for me, and my brain, as I age. After bouncing around on the internet, looking at and trying various programs, I found TAC. I rather quickly went from a monthly to annual to lifetime membership. I also went from one to five guitars in that period of time. (Oh, yes, GAS is very real.)
Having a consistent guitar routine has:
A) Allowed me to become a better player. I have learned things that I didn’t even know I wanted to learn.
B) Taught me patience in my learning. Everything takes time, it doesn’t have to be perfect the first time out.C) Has made me interested in different kinds of music, and that has, in turn, lead me to try to learn things on the guitar that I would never have expected to care about a few years ago.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
My computer! That is how I connect to TAC. Typically I have Tony’s video on one side of my monitor with the tabs on the other. I can see both easily, stop the video to work on a section of the challenge using the tabs and then go back to watching the video. I can’t imagine trying to do that with a smartphone or even a tablet.
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