1.) How many days per week do you play?
My work has been light, so for the last month, I have played every day of the week. It’s my goal to continue playing every day. Even on busy weeks, my goal is to play at least 10 minutes a day.
2.) What time of day do you play? Each day, I practice a lesson midday (in between work) and then play again in the evening after dinner. It’s calming to play quietly in the evening. My husband Steve also plays and we have fun going back and forth, and often I show him what I have learned during the day. I’m a beginner, and look forward to growing to the point where we can “jam” together.
3.) Where do you play?
I play mostly in my art studio – office. This room is inspiring with artwork, some of my surfboards and a wonderful library of art and creative books. Our cats Kula and Nellie enjoy the sound of the guitar and often sit with me. I have a view outside to our organic veggie garden. Sometimes on warm afternoons, I take my guitar outside and sit in the shade of a big broad leaf palm tree and play.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
Some background first: Playing acoustic guitar is a creative activity that I always wanted in my life. I’m a brand new guitar player who began playing last August 31, 2020 when we brought my wonderful guitar home (a late birthday present!!), and since then, I’ve played every day. I was seeking structure to build a firm foundation and found an old Folk Music book by Pete Seeger. It was an inspiring start, but when you’re a beginner starting at 0, it can be challenging to absorb complete concepts just by reading a book. Next, I found a few lessons on You Tube. It took me awhile to find TAC, and I joined in early April 2021. I’m so happy that I did!
Before I had a routine, I was challenged with attempting to learn from a variety of sources, a couple of books, and a few You Tube lessons. Also, I watched players that I admire and tried to replicate their chords and finger picking or strumming, which is very challenging for a complete beginner.
Playing every day along with Tony’s excellent, structured lessons has helped me make consistent progress. I’ve enjoyed working through the 30 Days to Play series, and learned a lot! When I need a refresher, I will refer back to these lessons.
I appreciate Tony’s clear explanations and the “play along” videos that we can practice with, using different speeds. This is such a great method and so helpful.
I’m inching forward with learning and love the sound of every note. I can now finger pick a pattern with my eyes closed, although, I do have to peek at the frets when I change chords 🙂
When I wake in the morning, I look forward to playing my guitar. I am enjoying the learning journey more than ever. Thank you, Tony and TAC.
<b class=””>5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
A healthy, delicious beverage, like spring water or ginger tea in the evening or fresh-brewed coffee if I’m playing in the morning.
Happy playing,
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