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  • Posted by SoCal_Ian on April 30, 2021 at 5:57 pm

    Here’s what my routine look like using the question and answer method from Tony’s post:

    1.) How many days per week do you play?

    I can easily commit to a 5 day per week routine. The fact is that during lockdown I have developed a 7 day per week habit and I doubt it will change when things begin to return to normal.I have found a passion for this instrument.

    2.) What time of day do you play?

    I almost always pick up my guitar after dinner so I can get in some playing time before I have to go to bed. Often I find the hours pass quickly and I don’t want to miss out on practice time.

    3.) Where do you play?

    I play out by the pool in my apartment complex unless the weather is bad. I only started doing this recently as I never had the confidence before now. Worst case or weather not permitting I play on my couch. To be honest I often just end up playing there in addition to any poolside jam simply because I’m inside and wanting to practice. It’s great to be outside though when I can.

    4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).

    Before I had a routine I read lots of books and watched a bunch of videos on playing but they never helped me get better (because that was time better spent actually practicing perhaps?). I lacked confidence and focus.

    Having a regular routine has helped in that:

    – I am actually noticing improvements I my playing and I’m feeling more confident in it too. I’m finally understanding a little theory and seeing patterns on the fretboard due to consistently picking up the guitar every day.

    – I feel a “need” a “pull” to play every day. Not a bad kind of “I have to get this done” feeling but rather “when can I get to do that?!” one. This in turn makes me better which, in turn makes me feel better about my playing.

    – I am having more fun than ever playing since the music I’ve always loved is finally coming out of an instrument held by me! I am enjoying my journey and finally understanding that this is really what it is. I feel less pressure which leads me to stick to the routine which makes me better and that makes me feel better about playing.

    Hmmm…Seeing a pattern here. Hahaha!

    5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?

    Some nice liquid refreshment. No matter what time of day or night I need something to keep the dry throat feeling away so I can sing my lungs out (even if I’m not so great at that part).

    Guitar Geeks Unite!!!

    SoCal_Ian replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • SoCal_Ian

    April 30, 2021 at 6:10 pm

    Per contest rules: Please don’t use the above image

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