How I TAC – Cliffy B (Take 2)
1. How many days per week do you play?
I play a minimum of 5 days a week.
2. What time of day do you play?
Between 9 and 10 am
3. Where do you play?
In my home office.
4. What was your guitar life before having a guitar routine and how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you?
1) Before, I did not concern myself with goals and getting better now I have a clear path to playing better.
2) Before, I only dabbled at playing my favorite songs and did not really learn them. Now I can play more complicated music which makes my playing more fun.
3) Before, if a song was in a key I did not like I had live with it or play something else. Now I can change the key of any song to any key I want. Thank you Fretboard Wizard course!
5. What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
I have to have my Diet Coke. I loves me some Diet Coke.
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