How I TAC: My Routine
1.) How many days per week do you play?
My plan recently has been to play every week day, with the option to play on weekends if I have time. My goal in each weekday session is to do the daily TAC challenge, and I typically play back through the earlier days as I advance through the week to improve on the previous days work. Unfortunately the every weekday plan hasn’t been 100% effective as I still try to build up the routine and make it stick, but I’m usually able to play at least 10-15 minutes every weekday, barring a day here and there that I don’t find the time.
2.) What time of day do you play?
I typically play after work, around 5-5:30 PM. I find it nice to kick back after I log off work for the day and play the guitar to unwind. There are also occasional days where I’m able to pick up the guitar during my workday when I’m on my lunch break, since I’m still working from home. Although working from home will be coming to an end soon, so I’ll have to stick to my afternoon schedule when I get home from the office.
3.) Where do you play?
I play at my computer desk. Ideally I’d like a separate space to play in, but my apartment doesn’t allow for that, so this is the best place for me to play. My desk chair has arms that fold up out of the way so I can play comfortably, and having my computer in front of me makes it easy to cycle through the TAC challenges and lessons, as well as pop open the tablature in new tabs/windows. I also have the advantage of having two monitors on my PC so I can watch the videos and read the tablature at the same time.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
My guitar life before TAC and establishing my routine was a mess. I would constantly go through cycles of playing regularly and making good progress, to then suddenly not picking up the guitar for months, or even years at a time. The routine established has allowed me to make better progress (even now, where I’ve recently returned to TAC after some time away, the short amount of time I’ve gotten into the routine has allowed me to see a ton of progress)
-Small goals: by following the TAC challenges, I’m able to have noticeable improvement that is relatively easily attainable. After 10-15 minutes I’m usually able to get the daily lesson down with pretty good results, which makes me want to come back to the guitar with earnest the next day. There’s nothing better than nailing the lick or rhythm lesson for the week, and having something simple to play that sounds like I really know what I’m doing!
-Variety: The daily lessons also allow me to change up my routine, rather than doing the same warmups/playing the same songs every day. I’m able to get a decent mixture of different techniques, as well as alternating between flat and finger picking from week to week.
-Fun: Ultimately the daily lessons make playing a lot more fun and enjoyable. By having it posed as a ‘challenge’, the lesson becomes a mental game against myself. I’m eagerly trying to better myself by completing the lesson, and being able to play along with the video at the various speeds, finally hitting the ‘Mark complete’ button at the top of the page.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
I pretty much always have a beverage of some sort. That could be coffee, water, or if it’s a later practice session something a little stronger.
I also don’t think any practice session would be complete without my pooch (of course had to be in the pictures) staring at me wondering where the weird noises are coming from.
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