How I TAC. TAC is a way of life. TAC is culture
I’m upset. I lost my How I TAC when I tried to add a picture. I’ll try to recreate a new version. GRRRRRRRRRRR
TAC is more than 5 questions. Tony’s Acoustic Challenge is living your life better acoustically. It’s about hockey stories, guitar advice, new artists, tone woods, and Toby the Wonder Dog. It’s living, breathing and eating guitar. It’s being a Guitar Geek. It’s a way of life. It’s culture. Now on to the 5 questions
How many days per week do you play?
l play 7 days a week. On the weekends I also play Ukulele. I’m thinking of adding Fret board Wizard. When I travel I bring a guitar.
What time of day do you play?
I am a certified Night-Owl. My Circadian Rhythms are seriously impaired. I start playing at 11:30 p.m with the nightly challenge. I am usually finished by 12:00. Then I play songs from Ultimate Guitar. Sometimes taking a lesson. I also am learning Place To Be, by Nick Drake. I often play to 2:00 a.m. occasionally 3:00 a.m. When I was younger I would go downstairs on weekends and watch the late late movie with my mother. Usually it was something like the “Blob That Ate Cleveland.” Playing guitar is more relaxing.
Where do you play?
I usually play at the end of the kitchen table in front of a laptop. I also play at the end of the couch while my wife watches TV. My 3rd location is in a chair in the bedroom as she falls asleep. I also like to play outside in a rocker for the neighborhood stray cats. No, really strays cats.
What was your guiter life like before having a guitar routine and how has implenting a consistent guitar routine helped you. (if possible name 3 ways).
I would play every night for a month maybe 2 months and then put the guitar to rest for weeks/months/years. When I picked it up it would take days or weeks to get back to a former skill level. It was hard to consistently build on my guitar skills. Having a routine helps me with a constant growth. I never miss a day. An alarm goes off in my head at 11:30 p.m. I can see myself playing faster and better. My pinky can stretch 3 or 4-5 frets.
My 6 year old grand daughter had a guitar recital playing Row, Row, Your Boat. She was playing a 4 string G with 1 finger on the E. When she was done I told her I was going to pick up my guitar and start playing. She said, “That’s good. I know how to play and I can teach you.” We played together a few times but she has moved on to the violin. Thats ok, She’ll come back to guitar someday.
Bonus question-What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
A box of kleenex in case I start to cry. No, seriously a box of kleenex in case I have an allergy attack with 30-40 sneezes. Bourbon, Scotch, or Beer is nice especially on the weekends when I’m not substitute teaching. Of course, the smell and taste of coffee compliments guitar playing.
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