John V – How I TAC
This is my second attempt to post… I hope it works this time.
1.) How many days per week do you play?
I tend to play 3-4 times per week. Usually its Monday and Tuesday nights. Those are the 2 lessons I enjoy the most. Then the week gets busy and I catch up on Saturday and Sunday. Not the best option for learning.
2.) What time of day do you play?
I am fortunate that I have a full time job so after working 8 hours, driving 45 minutes, trying to squeeze in a workout and eating, it will be 8 or 9 pm before I pickup my guitar.
3.) Where do you play?
I have 2 spots. The sunken old living room couch with I usually sit at when my wife is out of town. Or the kitchen table if I need to focus a little more.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
In my teens when I was able to really focus, I was in a band with 2 high school buddies and one of their dads. We gigged weekends playing 50’s-70’s rock and roll. Best musical years of my life. Too bad my head was so big I would have realized what I had.
Then I moved away, got married to my wonderful wife of 33+ years and lived life without music. Then when my daughter got in her tween years, I discovered some of the grunge emo music and surprised her with dads guitar skills. When I turned 50, I rewarded myself with a real guitar and bought a Taylor 314ce. Wonderful guitar.
Then in 2018, I joined TAC hoping to become a real guitar player.
– TAC has helped me explore different areas of acoustic guitar.
– TAC has helped me really justify buying an expensive (well, it was a big purchase to me) guitar and play more.
– TAC has brought other really really really guitar geek people into my life. It also helps me deflate that big head I had when I was a teen.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
My home is naturally cool. High ceilings and a heat pump so I’m always cold. A nice warm drink (coffee/tea) is also nearby.
My goal? To play in the Friday or Saturday VOM.
Guitar Geeks Unite!
John V
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