My Guitar Routine
Hello TAC Family,
here is my guitar routine:
1.) How many days per week do you play?
Guitar playing is pretty new to me and such much fun, i want to play everyday.
But my work schedule includes 4 times a month a 24h on call service at my work, so that are my guitar free times.
Sometimes my family is not so enthusiastic with my music, so i have to stop playing or i use my electric guitar with headphones.
<b style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>2.) What time of day do you play?
Early in the evening, between work and dinner, thats my favourite time to practice. At least half an hour, often longer.
3.) Where do you play?
Where i’m sitting now, in my sleeping room. Here are my acoustic and my electric guitar and my computer to follow TAC.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
In the beginning, I started with youtube videos. But there is such a overwhelming amount of videos and you have no chance to find the right ones for you. Either the lessons are too easy and you learn nothing or they are too challenging and lead to frustration.
So TAC is helping to imrove my guitar playing drastically:
1. Instead of changing your practicing goal from day to day, i get theme based practicing lesson thats changing moderately. So you are working constantly to achieve your goal. For example the last crosspicking week. Before TAC, i would have tried 5 times a week, to learn a song, thats too difficult for my playing level and would have searched the other week for another song.
2. TAC guides me not to avoid special aspects of guitar playing.
When i began, it felt very natural to play with fingers instead of using a pick.
The sound was warmer and not so loud. Making mistakes didn’t sound piercing. So i never touched a guitar pick. With TAC flatpicking is now nearly as natural as it is with fingerpicking in the beginning.
3. You are not alone !
If you watch guitar videos on youtube, there is no other conclusion than : Ther so great guitar players outside and they play guitar so easily, effortless and confident. Why am i struggling with easy lessons.
You are not alone !!! Everybody struggles in the beginning. But good news is, you can get help for every issue in the forum, where many others had the same problems before.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
A soft pillow under my back makes longer practicing and playing lessons even more fun. 😉
Greetings from Germany to the TAC family,
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