Sunday VwA- May 30- “I am “b”-side myself Happy”
The Blog for the VwA (VOM with Altitude) for Sunday, May 30, 2021, Noon, Mountain time, is updated at SundayVwA.blogspot.com.
To help, here is the Zoom link for Sunday:
Join Zoom Meeting<br data-original-attrs=”{"style":""}”>https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83991633218?pwd=elRBNWlBenVPZ2x3anQwWUVlUXMvdz09<br data-original-attrs=”{"style":""}”><br data-original-attrs=”{"style":""}”>Meeting ID: 839 9163 3218<br data-original-attrs=”{"style":""}”>Passcode: 687919
The theme is to find a b-side to play for us to help us all find new music, and to have some fun. Any b-side or single cd extra works. Any song with a full B or Bm chord works.
Hope to see you then.
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