VOM- Sunday VWA- New Name, New Time, Same Great Sunday Guitar Geek Fun
As the New TAC rollout continues, @Mike Gaunier and I decided to modify the Sunday VOM name branding to be more consistent, and it is now Sunday VWA (for me, VOM with Altitude). The new Time is Noon Mountain (11:00 am Pacific); 1:00 PM Central; 2:00 PM Eastern, and 7:00 PM BST (19:00 GMT).
Either Mike and his team, or I and my team (when I get one built) will be hosting every Sunday, and all in TAC are welcome to join. to watch, play, or support. If you want to co-host, let me know, and I can make that happen (so can Mike).
The Sunday VWA is on Zoom, and here is the Link for March 4, and each 2nd week thereafter:
Meeting ID: 839 9163 3218
Passcode: 687919Mke has already posted in the this forum the Links for VWA this Sunday, 3/28, and every two weeks thereafter.
NOTE: If you have given me your e-Mail address for guitar learning matters, I have forwarded you a Google Calendar entry for these bi-weekly VWA events. Mike has posted, and when I updated my Calendar for his, you likely got those too.
During the Roll out, as we learn the new site’s foibles (one of which at the moment is the flagging process), if you are interested in getting these notices from me, please send me your e-Mail address (for this limited use, only) to [email protected]. It would help if you mention “VWA”.
See you soon
(By the way, in case this does get pinned, that will put it in all forums, apparently, fwiiw.)
This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
AttyTJ. Reason: Suggested that VOM Notices start with VOM
This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
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