T.J- "Looking Back from Today" for my friend, partner and wife, Deb
On the first day of Spring, my wife and I celebrated our 45th Anniversary. And we returned in time to catch the end of TAC Saturday Night Live, so I followed through with my plan to play a love song I wrote for her with an audience.
She has been very encouraging to me to keep playing and growing. She cares enough to sit and watch for all that time as I played it. (You will note that I am not looking at her as I sing to her (bad form), but I have a couple of reasons. First, as you hear the lyrics (which are true), If I was looking at her, I could never have gotten through it. Second, we had been out for the first time in a year, and I admit that the bottle of wine was empty when we left, so if I didn’t have the lyrics before me, I never would have remembered them.)
My friends in TAC who took the time to comment are sincerely appreciated. She thought so too. So, “Looking Back from Today.”
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