TAC routine – Kevin
How many days per week do you play?
I play every day of the week (a streak now 16 months long).
2.) What time of day do you play?
Not a specific time but usually late afternoon to early evening.
3.) Where do you play?
I play in my library/den. Still trying to figure out the ideal practice chair though.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
I am a big youtuber and it is so easy to get lost in the youtube guitar maze as everything looks so interesting and fascinating to explore. I love justinguitar and Paul Davids and enjoy learning from them. However TAC keeps me grounded and I print out and do the lesson every day. Patience is a virtue as I don’t beat myself up about speed. I know that will come but hey I’m 66 so hope it doesn’t take forever. I also have the goal of learning all the ins and outs of my TC Helicon VoiceLive3 and utilizing some guitar skills to best perform songs from my favorites like the Beach Boys, Beatles, Hollies, etc. I love harmony so always dreaming of ways to perform and sound the best in that realm.
5. Bonus Question: I realize I don’t have any thing that is needed or desired for my practice routine but then I noticed I need the outdoors or nature as part of my routine. I’m always facing outside a big picture window or I will practice on the patio (hey it’s Minnesota so that might be available seven months of the year). So I guess mother nature is my buzz.
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