TAC Time with Tony
1.) How many days per week do you play?
I try to play six to seven days each week. Sometimes it turns out to be only four. But that is OK because I am playing and having fun. Life gets in the way.
2.) What time of day do you play?
Usually I play in the mornings when things are still quiet. But I dare not wake up my wife! I might play in the middle of the day. Sometimes I play in the evenings when TV is boring. Time stands still when I play; that is wonderful.
3.) Where do you play?
I play in the spare bedroom. It has a bed, a desk under the window, a stool, my art supplies, and four ukuleles hanging on the wall next to my Taylor GS Mini. Rarely, I strum myself to the kitchen and just have a good time making notes. Last summer, I carried my music stand and guitar (ukulele, too) out to the back porch to watch the sunset. Life is good with music.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
Before TAC I would play songs at random by opening one of my songbooks and play whatever opened to me. In my previous life I played once a week with an open jam group. We would sit in a circle and each person would choose a song from our songbook and all of us would play it. That gave me great satisfaction. And about once a month, that group would go into the community and play at a nursing home. The residents enjoyed our music thoroughly. That, too, gave me great satisfaction,
TAC has helped me:
~ Now I feel more confident on the fretboard. I was afraid to venture beyond the third fret. Now with the daily exercises, I travel to new notes on my sweet GS Mini.
~ I can play new combinations of notes and chords (yea!) and feel good about it. Making music is a blast and I don’t feel any restrictions now.
~ Of course I am having a lot of fun learning new riffs and finger exercises. I have developed new habits with my guitar. Thanks, Tony, for your instruction.
Bonus question: what items do I need with my guitar?
My four ukuleles, of course.
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