TAC Family Forums

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  • Three Month Challenge Songs

    Posted by JMarian on March 29, 2021 at 12:44 pm

    Hey TAC Community,

    I’ve been a member for about 7 months and really like the practice routine. I’m feeling kinda stuck, though, on choosing something for my next three month challenge. If you’re an intermediate player like me, what songs or skills really motivated you in one of your three month cycles? Thanks so much for your suggestions!


    Alfred replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • AttyTJ

    March 29, 2021 at 1:06 pm

    Hi @jeffrey M, i guess under TACster definitions I am an “intermediate” player, but I wonder.

    Anyway, two things I did at the first of the Year. First, I picked an artist (could be a genre, inter-related, but I chose Woody Guthrie) to learn a minimum of 1 song per month, and either post it or play it live or VOM. A true intermediate could push 5 songs into 3 months, and it would have the same focus and encouragement effect. And you will find music you love that you may not know about, or may have overlooked.

    The second thing I have done this year is to encourage myself to work on finger-picking and figure out ways to finger pick the songs I am playing. I added doing something every day into that pledge and it is now part of my Routine. Putting a time string on that kind of effort is also challenging and leads to progress.

    Good luck, and looking forward to hearing about success and unstuckedness.

  • Alfred

    March 29, 2021 at 2:39 pm

    My First 90 I focused on solidifying some fundamentals that I thought I was lacking, and started playing scales every day for practice, in preparation for my next 90

    My next 90 will be fretboard memorization and improv/lead

    So goals first. I chose just 2 songs for the goal I was trying to reach, and worked those into my “play” time, which I see as different than my practice time.

    So I guess in short, decide what your goals are, then look for songs that utilize the skills you are working on to achieve your goals… kinda like a graduation project or something

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