July Progress Party (REPLAY)
Welcome to the Q3 2021 Guitar Progress Party replay! To make sure you don’t miss the next one, please add Wednesday, October 6th @ 11am Mountain Time to your calendar now. If you’ve never attended a 90-Day Progress Party, go here to see how it all works.
Wear Your TAC Gear in the Next Progress Party
To get the most out of this replay:
1. Click “Chapters” in the upper right of the video to move between sections.
2. Share your wins & goal in the comments below!
In This Progress Party
00:00 – What to Expect – Tony explains how the Progress Party works, why it’s important, and what to expect on today’s live workshop.
03:00 – Why 90 Days? – Ninety days provides the perfect timeline for setting tangible goals and a focused trajectory for growth in your playing ability. It’s just a long enough to make a real impact but short enough that planning can be concrete and actionable.
04:15 – Take The Pledge – I pledge to play guitar for ten minutes per day for the next 90 days. I will stick to the TAC Method playing schedule without judging myself for getting frustrated, missing a few days, or feeling behind where I think I should be. When I’m in doubt or unsure, I’ll remind myself that it’s Consistency that will make me better. I’ll stay consistent by committing to the Tiny Habit of playing for 10 minutes every day. I can always find negative things if I look for them, so instead, I will find something positive to Celebrate each day, no matter how small.
07:30 – Your Small Wins – Think back through the last three months. List three wins that stand out the most in your mind. Share them in the comments below!
10:20 – Your Next Goal – Based on how the last three months went, what goal will you commit to for the next three months? This can be technique based (mastering the F chord or barre chords) or outcome based (maybe you want to play your first song in front of other people or learn three new full songs), or perhaps its routine based (maybe you want to average three days per week of playing for ten minutes). Share your goal in the comments below.
15:09 – Your Guitar Routine – Now that you know your goal, what’s the best guitar routine that will help you reach that goal? Maybe you bit off more than you could chew in the last three months so you want to adjust and tweak your routine to be more realistic. Maybe you were able to average three days per week and now you want to strive for five days per week. Here’s the Guitar Routine format: How many times per week will you play guitar? What time of day will you play? And where will you play?
18:30 – Share Your Goal! – Share your wins, next 90-day goal, and your target Guitar Routine in the comments below!
21:50 – Tony’s Share – When you attend the live party, Tony splits everyone into groups of five and each person has two minutes to share these three things. Connecting with other like minded folks to share your progress and goals is the most powerful thing you can do to keep yourself accountable! While everyone breaks into groups, Tony shares his own experiences and guitar goals for the folks watching the replay.
34:12 – TAC Family Shares – After we come back from the group shares, Tony calls on a few volunteers to share their goals and guitar routines. Do not miss these! Chances are you’ll get huge insight and inspiration.
56:34 – TAC News – Find out what’s new with TAC and learn about anything that Tony has in the works as it relates to TAC features, programs, or events.
01:12:32 – Overcoming Setbacks – This is a very special segment where Tony calls for volunteers to share setbacks and challenges they faced in the last 90 days and how they overcame the adversity. This is a dose of inspiration that will fuel your next three months of guitar.
What is the 90-Day Progress Party?
These Progress Parties happen at 11am Mountain Time on the first Wednesday of these months:
- January
- April
- July
- October
Why should you show up?
In the workshop, Tony will guide you through reflecting on your wins from the last 90 days and help you create your next 90-day goal. This is a major bonus to your TAC membership that’s designed to help you re-focus and get inspired by success stories from your fellow TAC Family – and share your own wins! You’ll also get the first look at TAC news and updates.
A replay will be available within a day or two of the live workshop, just click the “Progress Party Replays” link on the right of the Acoustic Tuesday show section of the website.
And here’s a tip! During the breakout session Tony will have a special discussion so even if you attended live you may want to view the replay to see what he discussed!
We hope to see you at the next live Progress Party!
What happened to Acoustic Tuesday? really looked forward to it after a long work week between and COVID music isolation!
1 am for me. I think I’ll be doing the replays. 🙂
A week day at 11 am? Doesn’t anybody work?
I’m laughing out loud for the same reason! I absolutely appreciate that Tony treats this like a full time job and gives us oodles of opportunities to learn new techniques, but I still haven’t quit my day job!
So just watched the re-play ,
I’m I to understand we will not receive a Monday morning e-mail that allows us access to long in to daily challenges? so we go through A- Tuesday show to log in ?
Thank you Tony. I watched the replay and love that so many TAC members could join the party. It was great to hear others tell their guitar journey and goals. I’ve been able to play 10 minutes or more nearly every day, and I know my playing is improving but sometimes get frustrated because my progress is so slow. The pledge is a really great idea, and I’m sure it will help me overcome that feeling. Thanks again 🙂
That was my first live stream! I have a blast! Thanks Tony and TAC Fam!
Hello everyone! I just watched the replay, and it was oh so wonderful. Nice to see you all, and hear your stories of progress and life. I have so enjoyed TAC so far. I have stuck to my goals of playing 5 to 7 times a week! Sometimes I play 3 times a day! I play in my music room at 6:30am every morning, then again post supper time. I have completed my 30 days to guitar, and loved it. I do have some knowledge of the guitar, however this has brought me to new levels. Bar chords are challenging, yet I will get them. Thank you, Tony for your encouragement and your talent to communicate so much! You are fantastic. I hope to see everyone at the next party! So exciting. Music is so uplifting, and learning guitar is a great place to go! Cheers everyone. 🙂
O so love the replay. Grateful for the option. I was having interweb problems and I may have had a loose nut on my keyboard also causing me problems (unconfirmed).
BG1 is a great example of cumulative effect. As long as I keep playing “no matter what” I will accumulate touches of fingers on strings. Add in some clear instruction and you have my recipe for success.
Thanks TAC for the Guitar Party replay. Actually… thank y’all fer all thangs TAC… period! 1st year of TAC under me feet and the PROCESS continues… fer a Lifetime now! Fun and Focus does fuel progress. (TRUST THE PROCESS)
This was the first 90 day progress party I attended. Enjoyed it! The warmth of Tony’s personality came through as I experienced his interactions live. Even though I have watched TAC almost daily for the last 3 months, there is something special and motivating when Tony directly responds to a texted comment in real time. Have just updated my profile to reflect progress made since joining and goals for next 90 days. Look forward to this experience again October 6th. As we play on, Jack (AKA @Guitargeezer )
Thanks for the replay option @Tpolecastro. Was unable to make the livestream but really enjoyed getting to see the show. Hoping to make the October one for sure. Happy TAC’ing everyone. 🙂