6 month Anniversary of buying a guitar
Today is my 6 month anniversary since buying a guitar (10-2-2020). I have practiced / played every day since then. I played before, some 30 years ago and decided I wanted to revamp my playing. EGADs! It’s a do over. On the plus side I do remember the basic chord shapes, but everything else is a wash. I started downloading some songs that I wanted to learn and it took FOREVER to learn just a couple songs! I started getting bored and it was beginning to not be fun. I started googling Acoustic Pentatonic Scales. A number of help sites came up and then lo and behold…. TAC. It took me a couple of weeks of going back and looking at some of the free stuff Tony offered and I finally joined mid Feb of 2021. I think it was the best thing I did for myself. I feel like I’m learning something now, not just a song, but strums, picks and the fretboard. Having the support group is such a benefit to hear some of their hangups are the same as mine! It’s only been 6 months, but I have gotten over the hurdle and now have more fun playing. Small win? maybe a little bigger 🙂
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