Hi @NW7 , welcome to TAC👏👏 As a true beginner, you’re likely not used to stretching your fingers that far apart. With time (and practice) you’ll eventually be able to play it the way you see Tony do it in the video. So no, you’re not doing anything wrong.
There are guitar “exercises” you can do to try to help getting used to stretching those digits. A good one to try is (I’m going to call it Finger Assignment), starting with the lo E string, the index finger will be on the 7th fret, the middle finger at the 8th fret, ring finger at the 9th fret and pinkie at the 10th fret. Notice that the fret spacing is much closer together at this part of the neck. Play each note individually, starting with the index, and continue through to the pinkie – just keep repeating that sequence, then try moving that pattern up to the A string, then the D string etc. Eventually you can try moving that whole pattern down 2 frets where the index finger is starting at the 5th fret of the lo E string etcetera. You will notice that the space between frets is increasing. Then try doing it from the 3rd fret and eventually starting at the 1st fret.
Hope that what I’ve described above makes sense to you and even more so, that it helps! Good luck with your journey👍