Guitar Hunting 2
So Friday is my day to do what I want (Monday thru Thursday belongs to my work, Saturday and Sunday I do whatever my wife thinks I need to do). So on Fridays I guitar hunt. There is a Guitar Center in town and I go there and play whatever just came off the truck that week. This week it was a Martin D-41 and two Recording King Steel bodied Parlor resonators. I don’t know if the acoustics at GC are bad or maybe it is my tin ear but I just am not impressed with that D-41. It is beautiful, which a guitar that costs $4300 should be, but the tone was just not good. I expected it to ring like a bell and go on forever but this one did not. On the other hand the Recording King Resonator was awesome for such a little guitar. Resonators have a funky sound all their own I think. These were $689 which I thought a reasonable price but no case. I asked the GC clerk and he said, “We don’t give cases on any guitar that costs less than $1000. I found that odd because 2 years ago I bought my Yamaha FG-TA at the only other music store in my town, Music Village, and it cost $699 and came with an awesome case. Maybe that is the difference between a big box store and a locally owned store, I don’t know, just guessing. I compare every guitar I play to my Yamaha FG-TA which I think is an awesome guitar. Also, I bought a Zager all mahogany parlor in March, Zager tells me it will ship at the end of May. I bought it sight and ear unseen and unheard because of their unconditional 100% guarantee to take it back (and they pay the shipping both ways) if I don’t like it. I am hoping for the best on that one. Any thoughts about any of the guitars I have talked about here?
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