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  • Guitar Hunting 2

    Posted by CliffyB on May 15, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    So Friday is my day to do what I want (Monday thru Thursday belongs to my work, Saturday and Sunday I do whatever my wife thinks I need to do). So on Fridays I guitar hunt. There is a Guitar Center in town and I go there and play whatever just came off the truck that week. This week it was a Martin D-41 and two Recording King Steel bodied Parlor resonators. I don’t know if the acoustics at GC are bad or maybe it is my tin ear but I just am not impressed with that D-41. It is beautiful, which a guitar that costs $4300 should be, but the tone was just not good. I expected it to ring like a bell and go on forever but this one did not. On the other hand the Recording King Resonator was awesome for such a little guitar. Resonators have a funky sound all their own I think. These were $689 which I thought a reasonable price but no case. I asked the GC clerk and he said, “We don’t give cases on any guitar that costs less than $1000. I found that odd because 2 years ago I bought my Yamaha FG-TA at the only other music store in my town, Music Village, and it cost $699 and came with an awesome case. Maybe that is the difference between a big box store and a locally owned store, I don’t know, just guessing. I compare every guitar I play to my Yamaha FG-TA which I think is an awesome guitar. Also, I bought a Zager all mahogany parlor in March, Zager tells me it will ship at the end of May. I bought it sight and ear unseen and unheard because of their unconditional 100% guarantee to take it back (and they pay the shipping both ways) if I don’t like it. I am hoping for the best on that one. Any thoughts about any of the guitars I have talked about here?

    jerry replied 3 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Bill_Brown

    May 15, 2021 at 9:30 pm

    Hello @CliffyB , I just want to say that anytime I’ve compared a Martin with any other guitar brand in the same price range – to my ear – the Martin has always won out. That being said, I’ve never touched a guitar close to that $4300 price range😱 Make sure the particular GC store your dealing with is an authorized brand dealer – not all are. An authorized dealer will set up the guitar to your liking and it is included in the price of the guitar – others will charge extra for the set up. Sounds to me that that Zager is the ticket for you now – just make sure you get it set up properly 😎

  • CliffyB

    May 16, 2021 at 9:22 am

    I don’t think I would pay $4300 for any guitar because there are so many good sounding guitars available for far less but it is fun to have the experience of playing them. Thanks for your comment.

  • jerry

    July 6, 2021 at 1:07 pm

    I too bought the Zager travel guitar / it came, was very nice but just too small for me.

    So I returned it. The quality was very nice so I decided to bye an OM Zad 50, just received it last week, have to say it is a really nice Guitar, sounds great, looks great, feels great, I was kind of Leary at first from some of the online reviews but I’m very satisfied with it.

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