Hours CHART for songs played for the month
I put together an excel sheet so I can track the minutes that I am playing songs and challenges. I have a goal song of “Dream a Little Dream of me”. I thought I was putting in enough time of playing, till I actually started tracking the minutes I played the song. Last month, I only played my goal song 2 hours, this month over 8 hours. I don’t know if something like this would help any of you out, or even tracking your time is important to you, but it helps me. All I did was note the day and what I played. Then added the minutes I played. IPhone has a stop watch and yes, I’m that anal to use a stop watch while playing. No play days are noted in RED. A chart makes me accountable. My playing area is in the basement. The basement also has my washing machine and treadmill. I found that If I play for a while before I jump on the treadmill I get in a lot more time in. Then that extra ten minutes waiting for clothes to dry, I might as well use that time to play a tune. I hope this helps someone out.
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