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See Progress or at least attention to current bugs?As this post doesn’t have to do directly with Guitar progress, I assume it will be deleted at some point, but hopefully it is read. I don’t mean to have an area to vent gripes or be emotional at all, just a way of presenting factual bug reports or feature requests so that they can be organized and resolved, added, or removed for the overall improvement of the site.
I have had a number of issues from not getting notified to replies to my posts, to getting randomly logged out while actively using the site.
Today’s Acoustic Tuesday talked about having a distraction free practice routine. I was distracted by being randomly logged out, then having to log back in. I know the page load issue is being addressed, but I still had to wait for several page loads to continue my practice. That is a distraction and detracts from my practice. So these features do correlate to being able to use this method of learning, with this site, going forward.
IF… this thread is read by the TAC team, please know I do not intend to pile up more complaints, but to help to work toward a better product and user experience going forward.
Cheers to All,
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