How I TAC- Dan Nadeem
Hey TAC Family!!!
I wanted to show you what my routine looks like:
1.) How many days per week do you play?
I commit to 5 days per week, but so far have played 7 days per week since August 2020.
2.) What time of day do you play?
Because of my work commitments, I actually have 3 times blocked off and I pick one (lunchtime (12:30-1:30 PM ET), before dinner (5:30PM-7:00 PM ET), after dinner (8:30-10:00 PM)). I most consistently play during lunchtime, but when things get busy it could be one of the others. When life is really great, I play at least 30 minutes during all of those times.
3.) Where do you play?
I have two guitar dens- an electric den (our family room) with my Gibson Lucille, my wife’s electric piano, and my Marshall Halfstack- and the second- our bedroom which is the acoustic room (pictured below) that has my wife’s two mandolins, my violin, banjo, and my 6 acoustic guitars. I usually do my lunchtime practices in the acoustic room, my pre-dinner practice in the electric room, and my after dinner practice is 50/50 depending on what is going on in my home.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
Before I had a routine I struggled with feeling that I could barely keep up with where I was in my early 20s. When I was learning guitar as a adolescent, I had a consistent routine that I did not have in the last several years, and I slowly watched my abilities (I went from a professional musician to a nobody) disappear. My three ways implementing a consistent guitar routine has helped me are (i) focus on what I actually want to learn (I am not spread out without focus on 5 different genres, instead taking them song by song, week by week on top of my challenges), (ii) continual progress (I feel I am improving each day- and my wife agrees), and (iii) I now have a unbreakable habit of practicing- I don’t go to bed without at least getting in my 10 minutes!
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
My phone- I need it for playing backing tracks, songs, doing my TAC challenges, etc.
My acoustic room (everything mentioned above with a Fishman Loudbox Mini Charge). Pictured is my 2019 D-18 Modern Deluxe with LR Baggs Anthem SL. Fun fact- this guitar happened to be made on my wedding day! Isn’t that cool?
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