TAC Family Forums

Share your wins, get unstuck, or see how others use the TAC Method to create a fulfilling guitar life!

  • I’m Back

    Posted by JimBoe on June 20, 2021 at 2:34 pm

    Back at it with TAC. Joined last year but dropped the ball after health problems of my own and the family. I joined TAC because of being in community with others who love playing would help me to progress after years of off again-on again-lone wolfing it was not getting me anywhere. Made significant gains in the first few months and now have to catch up . Love Tony’s method but I have to focus on being consistent and not rush ahead too too fast , which can be discouraging. I look forward to your encouragement.

    dr_dave replied 3 years, 7 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • mpink0

    June 20, 2021 at 2:46 pm

    We are in the same boat, Jim, I am back after taking a month hiatus. Vacation, work, semi-retired but love to pick. What are your goals?

    Mine is to do TAC 5 days a week and work additional courses during weekends.

    • JimBoe

      June 20, 2021 at 3:01 pm

      That sounds good. I am going to , like i said start at the beginning and keep it fresh by hitting a variety of interests , like Blues and fingerpicking but MAINLY staying consistent. Not sure of an exact plan as yet . Lets stay connected. Appreciate your plan. Might just do that.

  • Guitargeezer-Jack

    June 20, 2021 at 4:11 pm

    Welcome back Jim B.! Have good health and play on.

  • AttyTJ

    June 21, 2021 at 6:56 am

    Welcome back to steady consistent progress @Jim B. If you are coming back to the new Website, working steady day at a time is simpler, but remember to favorite anything you want to come back to, as the lessons will disappear from the menus if you don’t (after about a month past the lesson plan).

    You will get into a grove, and get stronger steady progress. Glad that the med issues re behind you, and that your joy in guitar is ahead.

    • dr_dave

      June 23, 2021 at 7:14 pm

      Quoting AttyTJ: “… as the lessons will disappear from the menus if you don’t (after about a month past the lesson plan).“

      Regarding “after about a month past the lesson plan,” I think that “about a month” is the longest that any single lesson remains accessible if you don’t favorite it. Only the lessons from the beginning of a month are available for “about a month.” I believe that the lesson from the last Friday of a given month is only accessible for three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), then immediately becomes inaccessible when the new lesson month starts on Monday. I guess you need to be there at the end of the month or you don’t get to keep your string of consecutive complete lesson months alive.

      Until recently, TAC included a monthly guitar giveaway for which the entry criterion was to complete all the lessons in a month. Now that the monthly TAC parties and guitar giveaways were eliminated, you don’t have to worry about missing your chance at winning a guitar, but I’m on a roll and I want to keep my string of consecutive months alive. If I’m able to complete this month’s lessons, it will mark 50 consecutive months without missing a daily lesson.

  • jumpinjeff

    June 21, 2021 at 11:39 am

    Nice win Jim B. Your hiatus may be just what you needed to motivate you. As you recognize the disadvantages of your interruption and ponder the the progress made while consistency was your practice, look for the silver lining in your down time. You regained (hopefully) the lost health and you super charged your desire. There is more than one small win here. Glad you are back on track to becoming the player you desire to be.

  • Marty73

    June 21, 2021 at 11:52 am

    You never left @Jim B You just took a break. Welcome back. 🧐🧙‍♂️😎

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